Dear Inconsiderate People

Kynesha Robles

Dear Inconsiderate People, Hating on Public Opinion is Not a Personality Trait.

Injustice and brutality are not up for debate. There should not be differences in opinion regarding this matter. We should be willing to protest if it so much as affects one life, but some people still question whether they should protest against racism, inequality, and injustice, which are affecting millions.

From this past month alone, millions of people joined the worldwide conversation about racism. In the Philippines, we were led to have a nationwide dialogue about rape culture, sexual harassment, and our human rights. These are, without a doubt, vital conversations to have. Whether with our family, friends, or even the millions of people online. 

Inconsiderate people say that women “ask for it;” they say that “all lives matter;” they say that masks and social distancing are “unnecessary” or “optional.” They say that talking about the anti-poor virtual adaptation of education and the recently passed bill that will let authorities easily abuse the rights of Filipinos is “too political.” Some don’t even say anything at all.

An inconsiderate person thoughtlessly hurts others.

You are inconsiderate if you invalidate the sufferings of People of Color and women. You are inconsiderate if you choose to talk over them and compare their experiences to your own. You are inconsiderate if your first thought when you see people online talking about relevant issues is how to prove them wrong. You are inconsiderate if you use your privilege to remain neutral and stay silent. You are inconsiderate if you give excuses to those who blatantly abuse their power and authority. You are inconsiderate if you choose to blame the victim.

Now here’s what you can do differently:

Instead of invalidating others’ sufferings and talking about your own, listen. Instead of using your privilege to your own advantage, shed light on other people’s pain and protect future generations from it. Instead of going against what most people are saying, educate yourself and tell yourself that this conversation may be overdue because many people are already speaking up about it. Instead of choosing to stay silent, remember that your opinion matters, because these are not just made-up stories for news outlets. These are real people with real experiences.

You do not have to post and be visible online. What needs to be done, instead, is to start the change in yourself. Not many people can afford to have these conversations with their friends and family, but I believe everyone can afford to educate themselves on these matters and act upon them.

Dear inconsiderate people, do better.


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